The Biologics Explorer software supports the characterization of therapeutic protein candidatesfrom these analysis approaches:

• Protein mapping that uses intact molecule measurements (TOF MS)
• Peptide mapping that uses data-dependent acquisition (DDA) measurements of enzymaticallydigested proteins (TOF MS/MS)
• Top-down/Middle-down protein sequencing by tandem mass spectrometric analysis of intactproteins that are fragmented in the mass spectrometer (TOF MS/MS)
The software can interpret data that is collected with both the Analyst TF and the SCIEX OSsoftware.
The Biologics Explorer software can annotate data from the ZenoTOF 7600 system, fromMS/MS measurements of both collisionally-activated dissociation (CAD) and electron-activateddissociation (EAD) fragmentation.
The Biologics Explorer software is also compatible with data from TripleTOF 6600 and X500BQTOF systems.