StrataGen CARBO FRACPRO 2024 Cracked

Version 11.1


*  Improved memory management allowing much longer job times / smaller time steps both for multiple and single treatment jobs
*  Saving INP file in Fracpro, now saves results along with the INP file. This allows the user to load the same input file at a later time and see the results without having to re-run the model.
*  Added option in Wellbore Configuration-Perf Interval to enter multiple rows of perforation data by copying the data from Excel. We have also added new screen to set default perforation settings.
*  Added ability to drag reservoir layers in Integrated Fracture Profile’s Horizontal pane to adjust relative depths.
*  Added option to copy Plot’s data to the clipboard in data format so that it can be pasted/viewed easily in other files like Excel easily.
*  Added option to shift log data up/down in Log Layer Editor.
* Added option to model Pulse proppant in Treatment Schedule F6.
*  Major changes to dual entry pumping. All combinations are now allowed (clean fluid / proppant down tubing and/or annulus).
* Automatic creation of user-defined channels from imported formulas in Simple Mode.
* Developed new Injection Mode in Production Analysis with possibility of Water or HC injection.
*  Improvements in DataConvert allowing it to recognize wider range of files and time/date formats.
* The Fracpro\Eclipse & Fracpro\IMEX interface has been upgraded to be able to generate a fully ready-to-run Eclipse deck, for both vertical and horizontal multi-fracture wells.
*  A new tutorial showing how to use the reservoir simulation interface has been created, based on the historic GRI Staged Field Experiment #3 well. The new tutorial includes both the fracture treatment data and the post-frac production data (90 days flowing and 30 days of buildup).


* Added Water Saturation to Integrated Fracture Profile’s Layer channel list.
* User can now simple left click and zoom-in on a plot. User can new do left-click and drag on or below the Xaxis to set the X-axis range. This operation will not change the Y-axis settings.
* Set default “Save” directory to user/documents folder.
* User can now change color of a channel by simply double clicking on the color column in Plot Preference dialog.
* Increase the number of decimal points for Porosity in Production Analysis mode.
*  DataConvert now detects units present in second row of the input CSV file.
* Improvements in Frac3D model.
* Added several upgrades to the 3D Reservoir viewer.
* Added a new channel “Btm Prop Total – All Zones” for multiple clusters which is sum of all Btm Prop total, for all the clusters in the treatment.


* Fixed the bug which causes deleting fluids in Fluid screen to change fluid list in Treatment Schedule.
* Fixed a bug in Production Analysis mode, which cause incorrect results when user toggles between automatic and manual PVT data entry mode.
* Fixed a crash in User defined channels.
* Number of decimal places for Numeric display template are now correctly stored.
* Offset in Integrated Fracture Profile’s stage pane is now correctly set in Horizontal pane as well.
* WITSML tag totalVolume now has Surface clean total instead of Surface Slurry total.

* DataAcq now remember its size and location when opened as standalone application.
* Fixed TVD-MD mapping for some INP files.
* Added more setting to properties IFP saves and retrieves when reopened.
* In 2D Schematic, Scale now remembers settings for Proppant Conc.
* Fixed a bug which doesn’t allow user to insert channel in ASCII Output screen.
* Fixed a bug with Growth Rings not getting displayed.
* Fixed a bug in DataConvert to let user pick correct time format in case of variable timestamp in multiple input files.
* Fixed Plot refresh bug which causes too many plot refreshes.

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