IC.IDO software is an advanced virtual reality simulation platform (VR) and digital evaluation of the design and production of industrial products ESI Group. This software has been developed to investigate human interactions with industrial products and systems. IC.ido software helps engineers and designers evaluate and optimize the performance, performance, ergonomics and product design in an interactive and visual environment before producing. With advanced capabilities in real -time interactions, this software allows faster and more accurate decision making.

IC.ido software is also used in the automotive, air, industrial and manufacturing industries to assess the efficiency of design and production processes. The ability of this tool to integrate CAD data and display them into interactive VR environment improves design quality and reduces production errors.
IC.IDO software capabilities
- In real -time interactive simulation: The ability to display and interact with engineering data and CAD
- Careful ergonomics analysis: Motion and positioning of operators and system users with precision motor data
- Assembly and Access Review: Evaluation of assembly, segregation and repair processes
- Diagnosis and Analysis of Integration: Identifying Pre -Production Design Problems and Problems
- Virtual Dynamics: Simulation of Motion and Mechanics of Systems in Virtual Reality
- Integration with Engineering Data: Full support for CAD and PLM formats

- Automotive Industry: Optimizing automobile interior design, reducing production errors
- Air: Simulation of maintenance and assembly processes in the virtual environment
- Heavy and Industrial Equipment: Examination of repair and reduced error costs
- Advanced assembly: Evaluation of complex parts interactions to achieve optimal production processes
See here to view the full information of IC.IDO software for virtual reality (VR) simulation . Here are some photos of this software.